Reanda International ranks 24th in IAB 2024 World Survey

Reanda International is delighted to announce that our total aggregate fee income for the year ending 31 December 2023 reached a record high of US$356.1 million, representing a remarkable year-on-year growth of 27%. According to the 2024 World Survey released by the International Accounting Bulletin (IAB) in March 2024, Reanda International moved up one position to rank 24th in the league table. Currently, Reanda International is represented by 58 global presences with more than 6,000 staff, 250 partners and 140 offices.

While the global economy was on the rocky road to recovery in 2023, Reanda International’s performance remained resilient and robust. Asia Pacific remained Reanda International’s largest region, bringing in 80% of the aggregate fee income with a solid growth of 30%, followed by Europe contributing 13% of the aggregate fee income with a steady increase of 15%. Our momentum has been building in the Middle East and Africa region as the regional fee income rose by 8% and four new network firms in Angola, Qatar, Tunisia and Zimbabwe were recruited in 2023.

Reanda International’s service line fee shares in 2023 remained similar to the previous years across the network. Audit and accountancy remained Reanda International’s largest service line, accounting for 55% of the aggregate fee income with a growth of 35%. Tax services accounted for 19% of the aggregate fee income with a growth of 33%. As a key development focus of Reanda International, advisory services accounted for 17% of the aggregate fee income with a significant increase of 62%.

In the next term, Reanda International will fully leverage our strengths to enhance our comprehensive service capabilities and maintain a high level of service quality together with our global network firms as we strive to evolve into a skill-and-knowledge-based professional services network and provide value-added services to esteemed clients internationally. We will also accelerate our efforts to expand our global presence by attracting reputable and competitive firms to join the network, especially in the thriving Middle East and African markets to seize more opportunities ahead. 

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