Reanda International is ranked number 21 amongst international accounting networks in 2020 with 5% growth of aggregate fee income

According to the International Accounting Bulletin (IAB) 2020 World Survey, Reanda International has risen three places since last year and become the 21st largest global accounting network, as measured by global fee income. Currently, Reanda International is represented by 41 network firms with more than 147 offices, 250 partners and 4,500 staff, and a global aggregate fee income of USD233.2 million.

Based on the aggregated fee income in 2019, Reanda International excelled with a growth rate of 5% while the number of professionals was increased by 13% with an addition of 530 personnel by the end of 2019, supported by the sustained organic growth of the existing network firms, acquisitions from our network firms as well as the admission of 6 new network firms in Bangladesh, Angola, Cape Verde, Sao Tome and Principe, Brazil and Ukraine.

In 2019, Asia Pacific remained Reanda International’s largest region, bringing in 79.5 percent of fee income. Reanda International saw consistent growth across most of regions, particularly in Asia Pacific (2%) and Europe regions (+12%) with growth spearheaded by Reanda China (+4%), Japan(+8%), Malaysia(+20%) and Nepal(93%) in Asia, and UK (+11%), Germany(+15%), Italy(+120%) and Turkey(+15%) in Europe. Reanda’s service line fee shares remain similar to previous years across the network, audit and accounting service, tax service, advisory service and others accounted for 43%, 12%, 13% and 32% respectively.

Please see below the full ranking table:-

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